What You Need To Know
Equipment for Ice Hockey, How To Prepare, What To Expect, Financial Commitment
(scroll down for each item)
We are a team who enjoys the competition. We also remember that this is a game. We at Brookwood Ice Hockey believe that you can combine competition and fun. Let's Go Broncos!!!

Equipment For Ice Hockey
List of Ice Hockey Equipment
Regular Player Equipment With Descriptions
1. Helmet
One of the core protective equipment is a helmet. It comes with a face cage and a few straps. The face cage protects face while the straps help to adjust it with your head.
2. NeckGuard
Playing ice hockey involves neck injuries every now and then. It may be a flying puck or a blow of your opponent’s stick that can lead to a serious injury. The neck guard below your helmet will minimize the risk.
3. Elbow Pads
The pads cover the elbows along with the forearm and the triceps and protect them from pucks and falling. It mainly protects the arm bone as well as the joints from fractures and bruises.
4. Shin Guards
Shin pads/guards are one of the vital elements. It protects the kneecaps as well as the frontal bones against falling and flying pucks, or sticks. The correct size of the shin guard matters. How to pick the right size? First, bend the knee at 90-degree angle. Then, measure the length from your knee-cap center to the top of the skate boot. The length/measurement of the shin guard must match it.
5. Hockey Gloves
Gloves provide protection to the outer part of the hand. They also prevent the thumb from backward bending.
6. Jockstrap/Jockshorts
For protecting the genital parts, men use jockstrap while women use pelvic protectors. The jockshorts will have velcro that can attach hockey socks.
7. Jersey
Hockey jersey is to be worn over shoulder/chest and elbow pads, name and number to identify your player. We purchase from our supplier.
8. Hockey Pants
Hockey pants cover the waist, hip, is to thigh and the pelvic area. The tailbone padding provides cushioning around the thighs. Stiff plastic is inserted for withstanding any impact. Perfect Hockey pants also protect the kidney. A belt is often used for holding the pant.
9. Ice Skates
Ice Hockey Skates. Maximum skate boots have heel ridge protectors and toe caps. The shin guard must end at the beginning of the tongue of the skate. Before buying one, make sure that it fits you well.
10. Hockey Stick
Different sizes and styles are available. Right-handed or Left-handed.The correct size would be when you are standing in your boots; the height of the stick must reach your nose.
12. Shoulder Pads
Shoulder pads protect the shoulder blade, chest, rib cage, and the upper torso.
13. Mouthguard
Equipment for protecting your teeth and jaws from injury. A standard mouth guard is of plastic and there are moldable mouth guards.
Where to purchase and get fitted locally: Home (northgeorgiahockey.com)
How To Prepare
A player can prepare for the upcoming season by putting on their ice hockey equipment and skate, skate, skate. Go to local hockey training camps, skills clinics, and skating lessons. Off-ice preparation can include running (sprints and endurance), stretching, balancing, and agility workouts.
Where To Skate: Atlanta IceForum
What To Expect
During the regular playing season, every player has an opportunity to play. During the playoff part of the season, the coach controls the players' ice time.
For the safety of the player as well as their teammates, every player is expected to be able to skate, stop and have ice and positioning awareness. This is why we have Evaluation Day. We expect players to prepare themselves for the season with as many opportunities as they can to be the best player they can be.
Financial Commitment
Your financial commitment varies on your years playing with the team. Your first season with the team would include the purchasing of your team jerseys (maroon and white) as well as the hockey socks that match. Both sets of jerseys and socks average around $200.
Another reason for a varied financial commitment is the number of sponsors and supporters that we have throughout the season.
EVALUATION DAY: Your first financial commitment will be the day of evaluation. This will take place around mid-August. The cost for evaluation day is $30 (this applies to the cost of ice time of evaluation day). Please be prepared on Evaluation Day to make a down payment of $100.00 (which applies to your season balance.
If you have not already sent your BHS Hockey Player Information Form to brookwoodicehockey@gmail.com plese bring that to Evaluation Day.